P.S. Why have 2 Oil Filters??
Double the 'Holding' Capacity.
Half the Restriction to Flow.
Double the Life, until 'Clogged'.
Filter HOT Oil 'Thin'...Then COOL IT!!
Hoses are 6 Feet out, 6 Feet Back, with NO Reduction in Oil Pressure!
If You Look real close, you can see the 'Oil Temp' Sender screwed into the Filter Mount. Yes! This takes the Oil Temp BEFORE It's Cooled...Therefore, any Reduction in Temp is shown from the Oil That has Just Passed though the Engine. When I do get around to It, I will install a Sender on the Out-Flow from the Cooler. Then I will have Greater Proof of the Coolers' Efficiency!
Oil= Valvoline VR-1 20W-50 NON-Synthetic!
Remember! "A Lesser Restriction to Flow Will Show as a Lower Pressure...Because Pressure ONLY 'Builds', When there Is a Restriction to Flow!!" That's Just Basic Hydraulics! That is Precisely why a 'New, 'Tight' (Bearings) Engine will show HIGH Oil Pressure (a restricted flow)...and we need to 'Break' it in using '5' Weight. AND a Older Broken-in Engine, will 'Start' to show a Lower Oil Pressure as the Bearings become worn-in* Proper, and there is a Lesser Restriction to Over-All, Flow. And it Helps to run 40-50 Weight Oil! Or Straight 30W. Low Pressure is NOT as Important as High FLOW. In My View, in the Cleveland, 25-30 PSI Oil (Hot) Pressure Is NOT Terrible. Because the Much Greater Oil FLOW is what Carries away the HEAT and DEBRIS, to the Filters and Cooler! Does this Make sense to All?? FWIW, I'am Not a Scientist...I just paid attention in Hydraulics Class. Pulled an 'A' at Delta College. The Class Is So Challenging, it is Only Offered Once in a Year!
And, why Thicker Oil will Raise the Oil Pressure on the Gauge! And Thinner Oil will Reduce it. Think about that, the next time you go to have some Idiot Change Your Oil, and They Insist on putting 5W-20 (30) Into You Cleveland, with 60,000 Miles On It!! And It's Synthetic! NOT My Recommendation! Some Oils do get thicker as they heat up, 'slightly' Raising the Oil Pressure Gauge Reading, HOT.
* Or, as Panteradoug has Noted, when 'Fully Grooved' 360 Degree, Main Bearings, are Installed, and are NEW.