I know this topic comes up quite often, but today I ran across something that I haven't heard before. The shop that built my engine didn't follow my instructions and decided to use an MSD ready to run distributor instead of the smaller MSD 8577 I had requested. They had replaced the iron gear with a bronze gear.
Since I am making the shop take back the RTR and get me the distributor I asked for, I thought I would call Comp Cams to find out what gear they recommend. My cam is a solid roller lifter. Using my serial number, I guess to determine the core material of my cam, the Comp Cams guy said I have two options. 1)a bronze gear or 2)get a stock iron gear and send it to them to have it nitrided - Cost $45. He said the nitrided iron gear will last twice as long as the bronze gear.
Since the MSD distributor comes with an iron gear, I'm planning on sending that gear to Comp Cams to have it nitrided. Cost will be comparable to buying another gear. Is anyone else using a nitrided iron gear, and with what success?
Thanks, Dennis
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