Hi All, on the moment I am almost ready with restoring a Gr4 with aFontana engine, ( weber intake)
How much oil must into the catch tank from a 351 Fontana dry sump engine ?
And which type of oil is recommanded ?
Hi All, on the moment I am almost ready with restoring a Gr4 with aFontana engine, ( weber intake)
How much oil must into the catch tank from a 351 Fontana dry sump engine ?
And which type of oil is recommanded ?
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It depends on the reservoir tank capacity, Peterson (dry sump component manufacturers) recommend about 2/3 full as a guideline to start on a fresh engine then let that cycle through the engine and see where the level is. Oil viscosity depends on the engine tolerances, but I use 15-50W racing oil.
Thanks Julian, think I have a 4 gallon tank (15 liter) I will fill it with 10 Liter.
the 15W50 Racing oil, is this a classic oil or synthetic.
was thinking on use a extra sinck oil .
I would expect your oil tank to have two screens. The oil level should be between the two screens when the engine is running at idle speed. You can run with the level just below the upper screen if you want to carry more oil, but stay below the upper screen when running.
On my oiltank there are no screens, also no oillevel clear hose
The screens are there to remove the air from the oil. By splashing through the screens, the bubbles of air are removed so your engine does not get pressurized oil to the bearings full of air (not good). The scavenge pumps generally have at least twice the capacity of the pressure pump to make sure the engine sump never fills with oil as it drains down from lubricating the motor. This means the scavenge oil is full of air, as the pumps can move more oil than drains down.
Sorry, I meant 12 quarts.
Simon, the tank should be internally baffled, if it's not (we both know the prior owner was cheap) then suggest to replace the tank with a new Peterson tank. You can make up a dipstick to check level easily.
Thanks to everybody for the help and suggestions.
Julian, I think it's a Peterson tank ( compare with pictures) and was already into the car when it was sold to former owner.
1 cm oil level is about 1/2 liter oil.
Put the big tank somewhere it gets some cooling air. You're dumping 250F oil into that tank and things rapidly get toasty. The two that I've seen were at the right rear corner to balance out some of its 40 lbs with the driver on the left front
Mine is on the right corner, low as possible , behind the firewall from the passenger seat
The baffle serves the same purpose as screens; to remove air from the oil.
when I chance the oil and drain the system I will take a look inside the oiltank.