I know relays are a confusing topic to some people. Like many things though, once clearly explained their complexity is removed and they are easily understood.
So, Hot Rod magazine, in their March 2020 issue, devoted four pages to the “right way” to build relays. First off, what they really meant was the right way to crimp a Molex connector - which is what three of the four pages were devoted to.
But the first page was devoted to relay wiring and they included a photo of a 5-pin relay imprinted with a its pictorial wiring diagram, plus a little box outlining the duties of each of the five terminals.
Nowhere in the text of the article was there any mention of “normally open” and “normally closed” contacts.
Thanks to this article there will be untold car guys scratching their heads wondering why their relay wiring project isn’t working the way they thought it would. “ I did it just like the article said to do it ??”
Can it be that the entire editorial staff at Hot Rod Magazine has no idea what a standard automotive five pin relay really does???
Hint - 87 & 87a