OK, thanks for the links. I agree...it looks to be exactly that item, however with the knob removed. I think it was a creative idea...however my current assessment is that it won't work. Not sure if it's because there is an issue with this particular unit, or in concept itself. I let it sit overnight, and in the morning...there was no residual pressure on the brakes (the wheels spun free). I pressurized it again, and they locked. No stabbing of the brake or pushing/pulling on the button would release them. So, for now...I have pulled it out. The brakes now work perfect. Took her for the first drive. Very cool car...looking forward to achieving "road ready" status. It's really close. Need to do some wiring yet which is still hanging here and there. The radiator has a drip leak somewhere, so will need to pull it, but she isn't far away from hitting the road. Thanks again.
Oh...Kjeld...0402 is back in line again, and she's not happy about it