OK, so managed to get a couple days of work in over the holidays...
Found a good size dent under a bit of bondo on the front valence.....
I couldn't manage to swing a hammer inside the valance any way or in any direction I tried.. so ended up using a round tip air chisel to help massage the dent out from the inside.
Skim coat...sand...skim coat sand... Wow...I'm out of shape.

Fill coats/sanding done on all but the hood. I've lost 3 lbs and gained a bit of muscle tone back from years back

With any luck, I'll have the hood knocked out next weekend. It has some ripples in it due to ...wait for it... accident damage (imagine that!). The filler won't be thick, but I'm going to have to put a skim over a good portion of the hood due to some waves/ripples. Such a large area is a challenge, so I can't rush it. I use a long firm board for sanding to ensure no ripples when done. If I can get it done, then I'll shoot the primer.