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Reply to "06001 Restoration"

Hey Garth...
You are so right...!! I'm going crazy... Here's the back story. Last fall I decided to move out of a sub and onto acreage so I could have my dream barn/workshop. So...Q3/Q4 of 2017 was home improvement/prep for listing. Moved in Feb 2018.. wow!! Moving a shop of 17yrs of accumulated "sh_t"! That was a task. So the cars are packed like sardines in a can. Have only managed to get 6001 out twice all season. Barn is almost done..should be wrapped up by end of Nov. Shop set up should be in Dec. Target is to be up and functional over Christmas break. Let's see how it goes....

Thanks for not forgetting about me man. Nice to feel the luv.. Thumbs Up!