MANY years ago a sweet little old lady co-worker asked if I could come to her home to look at her car that wouldn't start. She had earlier noted it was leaking oil, and I had just offhandedly remarked that she could easily just add oil as needed and gave her a short tutorial.
So, I get to her home and first want to see her issues. "won't start" is not very descriptive
Will it crank? Yes. Okay, turn the key.........
So there I am, under the open hood and she cranks it. I don't recall why, but I had the oil fill cap removed from the valve cover.
And the oil comes splashing out the valve cover hole!!
She had just routinely added oil, no check of the existing oil level, to the point the poor battery couldn't rotate the crank fast enough, in an oilpan fully filled (and who knows how much higher) with oil, for it to start.
I think I drained 5-6 quarts out of that car, and all was good.
