Unfortunately that's the situation for the 10"-rims. However a friend of min in Europe is a pretty big guy in the tire business and he was one of the key persons who organized the "after"-production of the Goodrich 275/50VR15's few years ago. They produced a very few of them, I believe about 1000 pc's. There gone as well and there is no other production in sight by now unless a group of people with appropriate investment is willing to complete an order. However the alternative with any other tire, like the mentioned 305 H-rated one, is just a bad choice. How can people install such tires on a 10"-rim and on a car which is capable to overrun the safety margin on a H-tire ?? This is nut and shouldn't even belong to a bulletin board. FOLKS...DON'T INSTALL H-RATED TIRES on Pantera's !!! Weight- and speed-ratio is a very serious thing. Don't hurt yourself or others. BE SAFE !!