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Reply to "180 degree exhaust"

Hi Dave.
I wrote u a posting a couple of days ago re. ur ?'s. But it seems to have disappeared into the 'electronic ether'.
Briefly ; I have been running a Hall P. 180 degree system for 6 years now along with Hall's inlet and a set of 48 IDA Webers.( avilable again, the carbs... ) No problems to speak of, am using the big 'Bunny ears' scoops for the carbs.( Also helps 'push' air down- wards & out the bottom of the car & thru the open A/C grill opening, reverseing the air flow which is good for everything of course. ) Also Aquasump oil preserized system for the dreaded oil-surge prob.( This is now my 3rd motor going in.... )
If ur interested, look on this forum Techn. Inquires on page 13 under "180 Degree Exhausts" by ALAN B, on page 3 of his posting , - u'll find my postings.
I am at present taking the 'Mad Sweeede' GORAN 's great advice and am on a mad weight- loss regime: Frt. pop-up, useless, heavy lites gone with acrilic covers fitted, window glass gone, door pannels, Carbon Fibre body pannels, heater out, A/C out., Center intrument consol out, etc... Read GORANS article in new very excllent, world class top Newsletter from these very fine P. I. people........
Let me no how u are going on this. I love it. U wont believe the sound this set up makes. Jack 'dela Rich' says its adictive. It is.
Talk to me...for any other info i can offer up
Good Luck tai,
P.S. ....Any one no of a nice carbon firbre dash from any of the Vendors,.. - I havent had a chance to look just now.... ???? Cheer ....