While Ross said the change in the computor was a simple fix he didn't know when he would be able to incorporate it into the existing inventory and production.
He also said that he would have to figure out something for the relief notches in the bell.
Dual bolt patterns would double the amount of notches required for relief when drilling.
He wasnt sure how to address that.He also stated that the existing inventory does not have the notches and that might be a problem.
I guess the CNC machines drill and tap holes super fast which is why the breakage consideration.
I am taking my bellhousing to a good machine shop that will drill it. The operation will be done on a milling machine by hand so I feel I won't have a drill breakage problem. Locating the holes will be no problem.
Doing it this way I will have my bellhousing done by Monday and can move on to other aspects of the swap. No additional shipping time/cost and no waiting for Quick Time to get set up on their end.
As Gary had stated, getting the changes made is for people that want to do the swap or update to a SFI scattershield type bellhousing in the future.
I also made sure to point out that the Pantera runs the Transaxle right side up, its the GT40 guys that are upside down.

Sorry to highjack your forum Gary, you can have it back now.