I have seen many talk down power steering conversions as handling horrible but I can see simply putting any raq in power or not; if not done without taking the geometry for consideration will in deed handle horribly and I think giving power steering a bum rap because of bad installations is short sided.
To start with the bump steer fix for the Pantera really is not a fix but rather it moves the bump steer effect to a different part of the suspension travel. While bump is much improved, droop is worse.
The real problem with bump steer is the pivot point on the Pantera raq itself is too far out our should I say spans too far. The distance between the inside pivot points is too long. Ironically the power steering raq I have is a little too short which creates the same problem. Before I assemble the car I am going to cut the raq and weld it to the right span but what I have done will get me one more step closer to paint which is my goal right now.
This is the Power steering raq, the Pantera Raq, and then the MGB raq:

I went through a lot of things before I actually located the raq. I am re-hashing old info here but it puts it all in place. First thing I did was locate the dimensions of each pivot point. I bolted tubing at each location then welded up the raq to determine the actual dimension reference point. From that I ran loaded suspcalc with the dimensions and played with raq locations. From there that gave me ball park as to where the raq needed to be. I was close right off. Actually if you just shove the raq in the area you see in the photo you will be pretty close.

Fine tuning was a matter of moving the susp up and down and checking bump steer on the wall (garage door). To do so I ran a string down the center of the car to locate center. I clamped lasers on the calipers and did a toe in alignment then found center on the wall (equal dist from center line). This is important because your toe is going to change with steering as well as your bump (Ackerman). From here you can move the raq around to locate the best bump steer.

I looked at a lot of other things on the car. My first thought was to start over with new uprights and start from scratch. The more I started looking into things the more I realized the Pantera suspension is not a bad place to start.
AIA. I wanted more AIA to reduce scrub radius but the pitfall is a compromise on the track. The Pantera upright is not too bad and I changed my mind. I am working on getting the rim further in on the hub. It is one thing where power steering will help.
Ackerman is determined by the raq forward and back. The location of the raq is already pretty good. Not so good for turning into a parking spot at Wal-Mart but better for track or highway driving. Another good reason for a power raq. I have a 76 Cutlass with LOTS of Ackerman! Grandma would love it but it will kill you on the highway if you jerk the wheel (I tell you this from experience!)
Basically most of this stuff will take care of itself so the 2 issues are getting the correct location and getting a raq with the correct distance on the inside pivots.
To start with I cut the side plates. I mounted them with the small screws for alignment then drilled larger holes for the main bolts. I welded on another plate on the frame between the lower rear mount and the sway bar mount. Then I welded tubing in the large bolt holes so I could tighten the bolts without squishing the frame.
A piece of angle iron was cut to fit between the plates. The raq was bolted to it but I did shim it with 2 nuts. I wanted to make sure I have room to move it latter on. With the raq bolted to the angle iron I tacked it in place, measured bump steer, knocked it loose, did it again.

It took a couple times but I located it where bump and droop had the same offset. It has about as much bump as a stock Pantera right now. I could move the raq to minimize bump as the apex is moved BUT I am going to alter the raq latter to compensate and I’ll be able to get rid of bump and droop pretty much all together.
The goal of this was not just a steering raq mount but a chassis stiffener with a steering raq mount on top. I am really not done with the raq mount because I want to add one more removable piece on top to help support both sides of the raq. When located it was the thickness of 2 nuts off the mount. I am afraid if I only mount it with 2 nut shims I will crack an ear.
At this point I removed the raq and cut the reinforcement steel channel you see in the photos. I was going to use tubing but this worked fine. ******You will need to leave room for you radiator water lines***** It was all welded in place except for the gussets. I didn’t want to pull it out and finish welding until the main stiffeners were welded in as it would warp. Then I cut and welded on gussets.
Nice thing is it is all removable.
The power steering raq was a conversion for MGB which incorporates an electric pump. I did this for other reasons such as keeping my hyd lines close, ease of changing engines, etc. If I had to do it all again I would have chosen a raq first based on pivot distance and second based on configuration.
The other thing with this configuration is I did have to get up and cut out some metal with the plasma cutter to make it fit. In fact I cut much of the old mount out which I think is the real drawback here. It is square metal so it would be easy to put back but is still a major alteration.
There are other things too such as raq ratio, rack travel, etc.
All this was considered in the stiffness of the front end. I am not convinced much of the stiffeners up front are needed but alas I did not want to make anything worse. I was going to put a drop down battery box but the more I looked underneath the more I realized this is ideal area to add bars directly between the upper a-arms!!!! I am still looking at this. I may still add a bracket between this box and the floor.
Keep in mind too that on my car the air duct I welded in is a very rigged wedge welded almost entirely inline with the unibody frame rails which is a natural stiffener too.
Wow, now that I have run off at the mouth so to speak (keyboard) did I answer your questions or just raise more questions?