If you or he can get it etch primed imediatly I would say glass. If you are going to tackle it a little at a time lime me I would say soda. Suposedly since the soda does not etch the metal the metal will resist rusting better.
My sand blaster could never have removed the paint as they did. I was glad I could find some one who could do it. As I did it I am going over every square inch myself which I like because I know the metal is 100% rust free. I am using por 15 on everything but the body. It says it needs something rough to adhere too. It gives you 3 options. One is brush the rust and go over the rust. I wanted the rust gone. Second option would be to treat it with metal ready acid then wash it off.....So you can wash it into vevery nook and crany and then begin the surface rust right away with etched metal and water? I don't think so. The third was to blast it or sand it. That''s what I did.
If you look here you can see the metal on the right was still shiny from the soda blast. A lot of what you see is some sort or glue or something. Where I sandblasted is lightly rough and clean. I believe being freshly blasted like that anything would stick well!