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Reply to "1905 Photos"

Gary, I've been following your thread and progress on your car. I'm amazed at the time frame and progress that you've been operating within. What amazes me more is the depth of your talent in medal work....outstanding.

I spent 3 months with a heat gun, WD40 and wax/grease remover removing every spec of undercoating from the WHOLE underneath chassis.I do mean every speck. Along the way I was also chemically etching each section with Pickle X 20.Then applied Zero Rust in 3 coats.The same stuff they use in barges and oil rigs.My reasoning was if it could hold up to salt water 24/7 it would suffice in my under carriage.

I too wore a disposiable charcoal mask every step of the way. I changed out the filters very often when I was applying the organic paint of Zero Rust. It worked well for the hobbiest.I agree if its something that you did for a living I would invest in a full suit and hood.

Sand blasting. When it came down to the surface exterior of the body I was a little shocked when the person told me he was going to use a mixture of media and sand.He gave me a small demonstration of his talent.He used pure plastic media on the side of one fender. After a few minutes of off and on usage the media hardly made a dent in the removal of the old enamel.The original paint was like rock. He then mixed up the sand and media.What a diffence.It came off in no time at all. I told him I was really leary of warping the panels with the heat the sand generates.Another demonstration.I'm a doubting Thomas. He took a large sheet of metal blasted half of it with sand for a few minutes. Warped the panel.I was like WTF.He then did the other side in a different technique.Still using all sand. Smooth as can be.Its all about the person holding that gun, how they use it and most of all experience. He said he liked the mixture of media and sand because it removed All rust and the media allowed him a safety net of making sure no panels ever warped.He used fine play ground sand.Gotta say the final results said a lot about him.

Keep up the great work and the pictures coming.

Last edited by danno