I just did this several weeks ago to my 73L (#5042)and it's not that difficult. Just be sure to work with a good heavy duty set of spring compressors, no lightweight cheapo set for safetys' sake.
1) The spacers are actually aluminum & are located at the very bottom of each spring. The front one is approx. 1/2" thick & the rear ones are about 3/4" thick. (Don't have a pix-sorry)
2) I removed them to see how much it would lower the car & see if it made my wheels & tires look more like they fit the wheelwells. Also figured it would possibly help the handling of the car by lowering its center of gravity?
3) I measured from the top of the wheelwell arch through the center of the front wheel to the ground before I removed the front spacers. After the spacers were out this measurement dropped 2". Sadly, I forgot to do this measurement in the rear before I removed the spacers but think it dropped me approx. 2-1/2"- 3".
4) Don't know about the alignment but plan on having it done when I get a chance. Haven't noticed any difference in the way the car drives since I removed the spacers though.
5) Not much chance of damaging anything on the car when you do this. Just be sure to be very careful when you're compressing the springs!
6) Yes, you can always replace them if you wish. I like the "set" of my car much better with them out so wouldn't consider replacing them. Replacement would just be the reverse procedure but a lot faster since you've already done it once.
As I recall, someone recently posted some pics of the procedure here on the BB. Maybe somebody else can point you to them. Hope this helps!
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