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Reply to "2 popup headlight conversion to 4 headlight"

I know of that car..and agree with you. A little backround about my 8MA1066… was disassembled for restoration in Canada when owner died..sat in boxes for 32 years in heated warehouse. Widow finally sold it to well known resto shop in Montreal. They did a 3500, 100% restoration-new glass, suspension, interior..everything. So I have a “ new” Goose with 25,000 miles on it. Won this year at Audrain and Greenwich Concourses. I owned 8MA804 ( 4 headlight) but sold it many years ago. I think originality’s king especially for my car as it appears brand new. Maybe one day I’ll reconsider a conversion to 4 headlight. Also, finding a shop in NJ who would do it right’s a challenge unto itself!image0.jpegimage1.jpegimage2.jpegimage3.jpeg

On Jan 10, 2025, at 10:29 PM, The De Tomaso Forums <> wrote:

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New Reply By leeaL

...I guess, the black car (us spec by the market lights, switches up so in the range of a 2 headlight car)...I can't tell if it has the chrome trim at the headlamp bezel. Overall a good looking car, but at $399k I start to look a lot closer on silly things like the cutoff smog pump bracket and a little too much gloss on some things...! But that is probably just me....

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