Denis, why am I not surprised? But wrt to the cables, yeah, what can I say, I'm the kind of man who would never stop to ask for directions...
But to explain the cable piece, the issue for me is the so called "A" dimension, the length from the end of the actuator rod and bulkhead fitting"...the original cable (green jacket) you can see has a thicker conduit that the actuating pin slides into at the rear, allowing the pin to slide behind the bulkhead fitting. Vs. the common push/pull control cables now (the purple one) instead add a 3rd piece, stacking the retraction area between the bulkhead fitting and the actuator end... Note the original end could mean just ~2" minimum distance between the retracted and and the bulkhead fitting--the newer common cables are more like 4"...
The solution (for a problem that needs more length) for me will be, well, to add more length (!) At least, there is plenty of space on the floor, so to replace that swiveling mount on the lever body by another inch should be an easy solution for me.