Keen readers will notice I have edited or deleted many of my previous posts. I want to explain why I have done this.
I just got off the phone with Steve Wilkinson. During our conversation, which was initiated for other matters, I asked him what his views were on the new Pantera that we have been discussing in this thread.
Steve, not unexpectedly, has been in constant contact with Mr. Kim and Mr. Choi. Steve provided specifics on the new Pantera's progress, and some of the components being used, and tells me they do expect to have a finished car in California by the end of the year. Current plans call for a private unveiling to occur with many club members to be invited.
Steve told me he has seen multiple photographs of the car currently being assembled in South Africa. He knows I am one of the doubting Thomases on this proving to be a successful venture, and perhaps may have shared specifics that he does not really want out in public yet, so I will say no more than he told me it will be equipped with a very modern Ford engine and a transaxle recently found in a Ford Motors vehicle.

Steve also told me meetings have occurred with California departments regarding smog certification for the intended engine.
So, despite the lawn chair YouTube videos, the show room location, and previous business activities of Mr. Kim, the reality is that something actually does appear to be forthcoming.
As in all new business ventures, and especially those De Tomaso-themed, success remains to be seen.
I am now cautiously optimistic but still reasonably doubtful,