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Reply to "2548's Restoration"

Here is my solution for the rusty floor pan between the stiffener and the flange weld. I’ve cut out the rusty piece, and made a replacement that will be welded to the stiffener. It will give me a new surface make a new flange weld on. I tried to make this in one piece, but could not get that curve at the front right, so I made it in two pieces.

This is test fitting and trimming:

Next to make repair pieces for the mid rocker and wheel well surround:

This is 16 gauge steel, so harder to work with. There are some tough compound curves here too:

This is the only easy piece:

Even a small portion of the inner rocker was rusted through, so I cut out a rectangular piece:

and made a small patch:

This access hole on the interior had an ugly rusty patch on the edge. This is only cosmetic, but I fixed it anyway:

I made the patch for the mid rocker overlap to the rear, just to add strength and be sure I had solid metal to weld to. I cut the rectangular piece out of the outer rocker because it was damaged, but it made a convenient access opening to weld through.

Next up; a slight departure from originality. Stay tuned!
Last edited by ufo-low