These will be a standard 4 into 1 style collector. They will have a 5 inch taper. They are not a true Merge collector but will incorporate some of the internal features of that type of collector. As I understand it a true Merge collector has a much steeper angle.
Here is a great thread on true Merge collector fabrication.
I use a straight edge on end to mark the center of a tube. The tube dia is 1 7/8. This is the slip diameter for a 1 ¾ tube.

Then I lay my template over it lining up the centerline marks and tracing it. It needs mentioning that the template is not a true cone shape as one might think. It flares out drastically at the bottom.

Here are the 4 pieces cut out. I use a high speed cut off wheel to cut them out of the tube.

This is the alignment tool that I use to keep the pieces square. It is available from
This makes the ends of the taper line up with the slip rings that will also be welded in this alignment tool.