of working on the P car. I have been working on this current project since February.
I want to thank Gary Walker and Johnny Woods for their advice and support so far during this segment of the build.

I haven't ever built anything like this before and it was nice to have their input.
While working on non P car related projects this winter I had been thinking a lot about the exhaust system to hook to the 180's.
The obvious choice was to hook up some short glass packs and exit out in the side of the engine compartment then out the factory opening in the back of the body. This is what most people have done in my situation where they want to keep the A/C
I just wasn't “feelin” it.

I did a search on the PIBB for "exhaust" and had over 150 hits! Pantera people care about exhaust for sure.
I love the look of the ANSA's out the back of the car. IMO They work with the styling of the car so well they almost qualify as a styling que.
I decided to route the exhaust differently than was usually done with 180’s. I decided to hook them to some used L model ANSA's that I bought to modify. I have a brand new set of Ansa GTS mufflers but having paid Hall over $800 for them I'm not about to cut them up.
After all the talk of how badly the ANSA's rob power I decided to mod the inside of my used ANSA’s
Then I would take and hook them to my 180's in a way that I can also use them with the 4-1's.
After making the decision to go with the ANSA's I felt better.
Now I was “feelin” it.

I also realized a mistake I made with the collectors on the 180's.
Having the collectors attach the way I did with the bolts won't allow them to hook up the same every time. This will make the exhaust system angles subject to changing and requiring a lot of tweaking to get them in the right place again. As any movement in the collector will affect how the exit pipe and muffler sits.
I decided to cut off the existing collector mounts and go to the commonly used collector tabs to be able to mount the collector with better orientation repeatability.
I could have welded stops on the tubes to locate for the bolts but I liked this idea better.