I figured I would make it up as I go.
To get started I wanted the mufflers I was making to be a similar style to the ANSA’s
I made a generic muffler shape and traced it on to a 2X4.

I did this to six of them then cut out the shape on my band saw. I then glued and screwed them together. Because my bandsaw skills aren’t the best I used some body filler to make the shape uniform on the sides and marked a center line.

I cut out four pieces of 18ga cold rolled sheetmetal measuring 12X8 for the top and bottom of the muffler can.
I marked out where I wanted to put the beads for added strength and rolled them with my bead roller. I used a 3/8 roll set and at the tension I was using the beads are ½ inch wide.

I marked the center of the sheet and used a piece of angle iron to clamp the part to the forming block and work table.

I used a plastic hammer and bent down the side until it matched the shape of the form.

Because the metal has spring in it I inserted a steel ruler under it to over bend it so when it sprung back it would be the right shape. I did this to both sides until the shape matched the form.

Then the part was put in my brake and the edge bent up.

Here is a finished part next to a blank sheet that will be the top to the other muffler.