I purchased it from here:
I constructed a V similar to what Johnny Woods did in his thread.

In order to get a good fit from the perforated tubing to the 2 ½ inch inlet pipe and get a good surface to weld to the end cap I welded a ½ wide piece of tubing to the end. This piece was a 3 inch piece that I cut down to fit snugly to the outside of 2 ½ tube.

For the tip ends I made a simple offset reducer cone to go from the 2 ¼ tip to the 2 inch perf tube. The offset was for the angle the tube enters the tip.

Here is a view from the end of the tip showing the fit at the entrance

Here are the pieces all done and ready to be welded in. After welding into the muffler can I will wrap them in fiberglass muffler packing.