Can you show me this Ford picture about the port showing the modification ? blending means that I cut the remainin material arround the pressed guide, or remove the booster ring ?
For the porting I was following what was said here :
My car won't be a race car It will be for road, I live on country side, and I have shock towers, so the best for me is the geometry that will give the best power curve taking into account that I will leave with this unefficient exhaust port and I would like an engine that goes above 6500 rpm, I don't want a second diesel car

If I do not remove the ring and the material arround the guide, do you think I should smooth the walls ?
And one big question I have, I have new EPN stanless steel valves, which seat cut should I do ? I was think about a classic 3 cuts 60/45/30, this is the next step for my heads after having ported and pressed the guides.