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Reply to "#9178 For Sale"

Let me try and say it better…..if that’s possible for me…..

First of all, I AM part of that “older” generation. I turned 54 in November. I just refuse to grow up or grow old. Not yet anyway. I am not the type of person to own a Pantera and just sit on the couch and talk about it or go to meetings and sit in circle jerks.

My personal passion comes from how I feel when I look at it and drive it after knowing I have turned my own wrenches, painted my own car, did my own modifications, and the 1000’s of hours that it took me. To me personally, this is the real pride of ownership and the true passion that ownership brings and should be all about.

But….then again, we all end up paying for our passion one way or another in Pantera’s. Some just write checks and some of us write checks & get our hands dirty. Who am I to say that how one man views of passion should be like the next mans view of passion. Passion is something we all feel in our own hearts.

It’s NO secret how I feel about some of the vendors as I have made this clear on several occasions. I’ve been hosed by a few of them. I know that most of you have also been hosed by a few of them as well. If you haven’t, you haven’t been into Pantera’s very long. When I imported my car 7 years ago from Europe, I knew what I was getting into. Through it all, good and bad, I have enjoyed the passion I’ve felt with my Pantera. I’ve watches prices on parts over the last 7 years double in prices and the prices for ZF parts triple while the service has gone to shit in many cases. You can love the vendors all you want, but I find it hard to love anyone that pisses down my back and tells me it’s raining. I’ve told them this over the phone and in person. This is not to say that all vendors are bad, because their not. But the fact is, when there is few vendors that we can go to for parts and service, we’re at their mercy. They know it and we pay the price and call it passion. I’ve told certain vendors how I feel in person and on the phone. I am not the kind of person that will ever kiss anyone’s ass to be liked or do business with. (In case you didn’t know that) I have the greatest respect for the vendors I deal with and I know they have the greatest respect for me as well. But we both know what to expect and where we stand with each other at all times in the process. Which is why the one’s I deal with are also considered friends, and that's both ways.

It’s NO secret how I feel about car shows, garage and trailer queens. Granted it’s just my personal opinion, but I personally think car shows are nothing more than a bunch of people that get together trying to out do each other in the money they’ve spent for trophy’s and bragging rights to say mine is better than yours without ever getting their hands dirty. The same people that never take their cars on runs or events because, gee, it looks like it might rain. Pussy's, no matter what kind of cars they drive... But… Once again, who am I to say that their passion for their cars is not any more important or heart felt than mine is to me. They probably have a better idea anyway. Build a car, never drive it and never have to buy parts or repair it…..Maybe they have the right idea after all…..

I’ve always believed that owning a car like this was meant to be driven every chance you get. Who knows, tomorrow, you may never get another chance to drive it. I’ve lived with my cars like this since my first one 40 years ago. That’s who I am and that’s who I’ll always be.

We are free to choose to stay with our passion or move on to another one. I also chose to stay with my Pantera. Unfortunately my passion has to take a back seat to the responsibility I have to my family right now. So be it.

My example of passion;

Bring a Pantera from Europe 7 years ago, spend 70,000.00+ total dollars and have 1000’s hours in time getting it to where it is now and then selling it for much less than you have in it…. And when it’s all said and done, not caring about the money or time lost, but instead all that matters is having to give up something that has become a big part of who you are and the passion you’ve felt so hard and for so long. I feel like I’m on the outside looking in now, just a wanta be. It’s a sick feeling you can’t even imagine that is always in the pit of your stomach and makes your heart ach. I hope those of you that really understand this kind of passion never feel what I’m feeling right now by having to give up your Pantera if and when that time comes. Yea, many will say it’s only a car, no big deal…..Well I say to you, maybe to you, but not to me.

All my life I have owned cars like this. This is what has motivated me to get out of bed every morning and go to work and put up with employer’s, or customers B/S as a business owner. Because at the end of the day, I can get into my one true passion in life, other than my wife and children, no matter how bad the day was, forget about everything else and be where I want to be away from it all driving down the road immersed in the world I call passion. I live for this, this is who I am. This is when I truly feel free.

So, I am trying to justify in my mind that it’s OK to let the Pantera go since at this point it’s necessary and I’m replacing it with an NSX. But you know what, I don’t feel the same excitement knowing I’m getting the NSX or that I’ll be driving a NSX. It’s like kissing your sister…..
You lose an arm, do you get excited about getting a prosthetic one ?

I apologize that I have hurt some of your feelings and wallowing in my self pity. That wasn’t my intentions. In my frustration, my anger and the hurt I feel inside right now…. I’m being a dick….. I am trying to work my way through it, maybe not so well at times. For that I am sorry.

I’ve met a lot of great people by owning my Pantera. Many of which have become close to me, my family and are very much considered the true friends in my life. Our passion has brought us together and for that I will always be grateful, But more important, our love for each other will keep us together. That’s what’s most important to me as I work through one of the hardest times in my life.

I know those of you that really know me understand. Thanks my brothers.

Another saving grace to all of this is my Pantera is going to Julian. Julian is someone I know personally and consider a good friend. I know Julian will take care of my baby, is going to actually drive it and will continue to make it all it can be. For that I’m also very thankful for…..

I’m not going anywhere guys, I’d miss you all to much….so I guess your just going to have to put up with me… Wink

And hard feelings brother, I deserved some of what you said. Thanks for you PM note. It was very much appreciated.
Last edited by coz