When you look at the mirrors from the rear of car there is just a small gap, (which I'm not concerned about and is something I'll address soon enough)where the mirror base sticks up/or doesn't quite sit flush where top of door meets window trim.
Having invested some time researching the different mirror options I am very happy with these. Also again one of the vageries of hand built cars the top of door trim available for mirror mount is slightly differrent on either side, with the left side in this case being just a tad narrower.
PS: Unless you really want black mirrors, the great thing with these is that you can colour match to your car. Helping them blend in and look more factory, especially to the uninitiated eye.
PPS:Thanks Scott and Chris for making these available.
How is the "Corvette ABS Braking" system coming along in your R&D for Panteras. I for one am interested.