Everything Doug said about the Ford electronic distributor is correct and I will add that a solid state Ford TFS coil truly makes the system bullet-proof. This e-coil replaces the can-of-oil coils used since the flathead days. The TFS has an odd multi-wire power plug, but inside the coil's molded top is a pair of common spade lugs marked + & - so hookup to your Pantera wiring is simple.
If you drive in wet weather, plug your wires in, grease the inside of the coil opening and fill the cavity with RTV. The grease will prevent RTV from bonding to the coil so in effect you've made your own weather-resistant removable plug. Otherwise you can collect rainwater in a vertically mounted coil's cupped opening, with unhappy results. Or mount it upside-down.
Note that MSD uses Ford weights and springs inside their distributors- the only parts they contribute is the electronics- which fail often. The 'touchy' part is, Ford made hundreds of variants of their dizzys and Clevelands use the plug-in electronic model off a 429/460 TRUCK, which usually gives you a truck ignition advance curve. Have your e-dizzy recurved for a performance sports car.