Hi Lee
Yes just looking at the schematic you posted I see there are 2 resistors in series after the input (2,200 ohms and 2,700 ohms) this would confirm it's voltage triggered. Also the fact the breaker point input comes from the ' - ' coil input is confirmation it's voltage triggered. I'm an electronics guy so after I get my car finished I'll have time to help analyze this and other circuits. I hope Panteradoug forgives me but I can't go back now I have the Billet MSD distributor, 6AL ignition control and PN 8920 Tach Adaptor. No doubt a totally unreliable package in Doug's eyes but we will see. I will report any problems. The motor is in the car but before installing it I ran it and broke the cam in on a test stand. So the MSD ignition is going ok so far. I have a cheap tacho on the test stand and it didn't work with the MSD so maybe I should get one of Gene's adapters to try on that.