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A Tribute to a Real Friend & Partner

One of my best friends and my partner in the manufacturing of carbon fiber parts died yesterday in a airplane crash. Fritz was a very accomplished pilot that also owned a ferry airplane business in which he flew airplanes from the US to Europe and vice versa for the last 15 years. He picked up a new Hughes aircraft from the factory and was in enroute to Switzerland. Flying over Iceland the motor lost oil pressure and the motor stopped. He was able to restart the motor and then oil covered his windshield and then the motor died again, he went down in the icy waters of Iceland. He was found 4 hours later floating in the icy water.

Fritz was the reason I had Pantera #9178. He was the one that researched it and found it for me in Europe. He arranged the importation for me and it was shipped to his house where I originally picked it up and drove it home. He is and was the reason that brought me to this website and why so many of you have become dear friends.

I can only say at this point that I am truly heart broken and have lost someone so very dear to me.

My brother, my true friend and someone I love with all my heart, I will miss you and will never forget you as long as I live.

God Bless you Fritz Schoder. I love you brother.


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