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Adios amigos

Like when I was in school, I had a stack of papers from the copier under my arm and all the jokes were told, all info exchanged and it was time to head to my desk to write the term paper.

Thanks for the laughs, and the info.

I've had half my posts screened out and I feel like I have to tippy-toe on eggshells around here anymore. Why aren't the "trigger words" just spelled out for the benefit of all?

Thanks for the info and the laughs. I'll check back in a year or so when I do my ZF project to gather some info and share some info. Until then, I have to just grind down on the project ahead of me, and with the info I have acquired. The research has to end, and the original work product produced through focused effort.

I can't just hang out and have half my posts deleted without explanation. Makes me feel like an outcast. What did I do wrong? I'll bet it's not just me feels frustrated having their posts screened out and deleted. I guess I can just wave goodbye and get on with the projects and the rest of life. Nice talking with you guys.

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