And I totally agree with Doug's suggestion on the drive down Kananaskis 40 south. We can see who's car smokes the most at 7000 ft ASL!
I'll also need a "personal" day in there to go to Calgary, I have a friend with a new G35 I need to see to show him what a real car can do

Peter I see your point about the Nelson/Kaslo area, I agree the drives there are beautiful. The mountains are also more dramatic, more on top of you than other places we're talking about so the guys from out east here will enjoy them. Nelson is also very close to the border so maybe there's a chance to encourage the Seattle/Spokane/Idaho owners to come up for a visit? If this is the case I don't mind the extra drive as long as we can split the drives up with a couple nice breaks.
For those of you who haven't been to Nelson it's like a smaller version of San Fran, with more hippies