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Reply to "Albert & BC owners unite-spring 08'"

I certainly want to come. No question about that. I have my car up on jackstands doing some winter work. If all goes as planned I will have all work done and the car running reliably by April. However I will not know how the work has gone until the time comes to drive it. If it looks like the modifications have fixed all of the bugs I will do everything I can to make it. If I am not 100% sure the problems are resolved Im not going to risk driving 600 miles away from home. Im not worried about the car so much It would just be an enormous pain in the ass. Because of this I dont want to give a definite yes. It will also depend on available funds and my proficiency at sweet talking my spouse. I know the Vancouver guys all have reliable cars as well as the Washington crowd. Its just tough for people to make that kind of commitment as not everyone has the same degree of flexibilty with their home/work life. I certainly hope this works out as it would be an awesome opportunity for the guys on the West Coast to have a gathering like Vegas or Pocono without having to travel thousands of miles.

Blaine "Keeping fingers crossed" Carmena