quote:Originally posted by Aus Ford:
Your ancient Haltec is totally modern compared to the fuel injection controller I use which doesn't even have a processor.
If they are telling you they can't tune your Haltec because they need a computer that runs MS DOS they either don't know what they are doing or they are telling you BS.
All computers that run Windows in any form eg: XP, windows 7, windows 8/9 or whatever the latest windows is run MS DOS underneath the main operating system. It is called command prompt. It can't be accessed by clicking RUN and typing cmd.
Leaky fuel rails and sticky throttles are everyday stuff, I had a leaking fuel line the other day. Fix it, get over it.
Work out what it is your car really needs and then the things you just want. They are two different things.
The things you just want are likely to cost you a fortune and not provide you with value for money if your intention is to get the car going and have it be reliable.
Correct AND it will be a never ending circle of chasing "upgrades" that never end, just like computer operating system uprgrades never end.
You already have a system that works. Upgrading the cpu will not make it run better.
IR systems, whether they are carburetored or fuel injected are always going to be on the rich side at idle.
That isn't the system, that is the requirement of the engine to make it idle without lean backfire through the intake manifold.
If you choose to go that route, chasing a rainbow to the pot of gold, you will never quite get there, because it doesn't exist.
Trying to eliminate the fat idle will burn your valves and could get lean enough to melt the pistons.
Don't even go there. You are chasing a figment of someone else's imagination.
"We serve the same Master. He is a lunatic and is ungrateful". Pick another issue to deal with. One that really exists.