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Reply to "America's Health Care System"

Welcome, fellow radical.

Nice to have some company. I can get lonely here at times. Wink


Yikes. You should hear me when I get wound up.

As far as people taking position on how it effects them financially...of course. They should.

But I get the impression that may have entirely missed what has been going on for the last 20 years with this subject?

Many have had jobs where costs have been picked up by their employers like firemen, cops and government workers.

Hey folks. A family heath care policy doesn't cost $800 a year in the real world. Just saying... in case you didn't realize that? Roll Eyes

You also do realize that the medical insurance companies are not under the anti-trust
laws? Maybe there is just a little price fixing going on here? Hey and why did California get a 37% raise in rates? You guys must really be more then a third sicker then the rest of us huh?

Some one is getting screwed here? Like maybe all of us? Does free enterprise in health insurance need to be protected so that the four individual CEOs of the four largest health insurance companies can each be paid over $20 million a year? What's up with that?

Are they so powerful that even the US Government can't agree to regulate them? Isn't that what this about also? Regulating the private health insurance companies?

Put in a real competitor to them and make them be price competitive.

Stop listening to the Conservative Republicans. The health insurance industry has dumped over $200 million into lobbying to defeat any heath care reform. Those blocking health care reform are just opportunists supporting the industry for personal financial benefits reasons.

This is why people spend $50 million to run for the Senate and the job pays $125,000. Many of these Senators are going to leave office very, very wealthy and could care less about the American people who theoretically they were elected to serve.

Oh. Not that I am in particularly a big fan of Sen.Bacus BUT if anyone cares to read the text of what he said about funding the Senate Healthcare Reform act with $495 billion in Medicare cuts, he said that money is "UNUSED ENTITLEMENTS that are unlikely to be taken by anyone". In other words, Medicare has been over funded by $495 billion.

Now that was his plan and he said it so don't come looking to shoot me.

Just remember that on the opposite side of the isle, the only suggestion to reduce the Federal deficit was to REDUCE Medicare funding to the group under 55. That's right. The Republicans want to talk not about reducing discretionary spending but they want to reduce Medicare AND Social Security entitlements as they currently exist.

I suppose those programs are too Socialist for them huh?

Ah screw all of this. I'm gonna go drive my Pantera. Now that's really radical now I can go be a pain in someone else's ass now.

burn rubber
Last edited by panteradoug