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Reply to "amp meter wires"

Personally, I know that the ammeter can be a weak point but I prefer to keep it.

Its function is not the same as that of a voltmeter, it indicates precisely if the consumption of all the electrical receivers is higher than the energy supplied by the alternator and that the battery is discharging, or if on the contrary the alternator is sufficient to compensate for the consumption.

A voltmeter only indicates the voltage of the circuit and therefore the state of the battery which only gives an "indication" on the fact that the battery is discharging or not.
In addition, it is very easy to add a voltmeter.

Often the ammeter only fails because of poorly tightened or oxidized connections. If you take care to connect the wires carefully, there is no reason for it to fail.

It can also be "relieved" by installing a shunt, the indication it will provide will then be false in absolute value but it will still indicate the direction of the current and therefore whether the battery is discharging or not. This is what I will do since I will install a 100 A alternator and the ammeter is only designed for 70 maximum.

But everyone does as they want with their car.
