For those newbies or old guys that have forgotten, there are FOUR (4) different official factory schematics available, and vendors sell big reproductions, plastic laminated for their protection. There was one actually included in the back of the red Owners Manual, suitably folded. The repro red Manuals don't include it.
You should choose the schematic with a published date as close to your build date as possible, and even then, be prepared to annotate your "official" one to fit YOUR car! DeTomaso updated the official schematic as production changes occurred and they weren't exactly on Jan 1.
Anyway, Pantera owners are better off than some other makes. I once talked to the owner of a Bizzarini Strada who said his later model was factory wired in ALL WHITE WIRES of different gauges! Military airplanes of my day were also wired this way but the airplane wires had embossed numbers every foot or so.