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Reply to "Arizona Pantera Owners Advice Please"

I live in the unincorporated area of the northern boundary of Phoenix called Desert Hills. Services are by the county. Everyone has a little over 1 acre. Unbuilt acres are currently selling for $300k -$350k. My residence is a 2800 sq ft Spanish adobe style which does not include the 2 bay garage. Homes are selling in the $600-750,000 range depending on size and landscaping. Since we do not pay for city services taxes are in the $2600 range.

I moved here from Boston in April 2002 and knew it was a mistake within a month. When it is 105-115 degrees from May to September you better plan on staying in the house.

Coz said it right when he states that this place is getting built out and there is a trememdous influx of people from CA. You would really not like the weather except in the late fall, winter, and early spring.

You woud have to look more north in the Cottonwood, Cornville, Sedona areas or surrounding region but be prepared to pay big bucks just for land not to mention a house.

I live here only because my wife's parents are elderly. We have both agreed that when our presence is no longer needed we will be leaving this oven for cooler climates, permanently.

While the landscape is beautiful, the heat sucks.