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Awesome day in Canadian Panteraland.

Another awesome day in Canadian Panteraland.

Mark C has a pretty cool GT40 . It is a monster – and as beautiful as it is to look at, it is almost as wild to hear it rev and watch it go. A red rocket.

Unfortunately, I've been getting tired of listening to him tell me all the reasons why he can’t take it out on the road. He's been having trouble ‘getting around’ to completing the needed electrical work since he redid the entire interior and dash - a lot of wires and few diagrams.

Carmen, our good friend and owner of the Black GT5 (who also built our Team Pantera Canada trailer) has had a secret weapon he recently decided to share with us. His secret is a guy named Luc, who, aside from being a great mechanic, is an electrical wizard. He had done Carmen’s car and then I asked him to help with mine. And believe me, I had a hundred wires to figure out, and they were all red!

Anyhow, I’ve been telling Mark about Luc for a year or so, and after much pushing, convinced him to put the GT40 on a trailer and bring it to my house. I called Luc and made the arrangements. Mark emailed pics and drawings and Luc had a little time to review the dash issues and schematics.

I moved my Mustang to my office garage and put the cat on the street so he could bring his GT40 inside my nicely air-conditioned garage. Luc and Mark showed up real early today and I begged Mark to let us push the car inside so he didn’t wake the neighbours firing up his crazy motor.

Carmen is still in Italy, so Luc picked up Carmen’s cat and drove it to my house (one of my neighbors saw it outside and freaked out thinking I had painted my car black!).

We are in the midst of finishing off the final touches to the Team Pantera Canada trailer – and this update includes new paint and graphics. So we needed some side view pics of our cars to put on the side. Part of the deal with giving my garage to Mark and Luc was that Mark would have to bring his camera equipment and shoot our cars for the new graphics.

Luc got to work on Mark’s car and then Mark and I went on a parts run. After lunch we left Luc toiling in the cool garage while we went to a big parking lot nearby to shoot some new side views of my car and Carmen’s. Robert met us there with his red GTS. Mark got some perfect shots of our three cars and we’ll have some plans for what the new look will be, as soon as we all agree (that could be a while). But we have to be ready for Niagara Falls on the 24th.

While shooting in this big private lot (the parking area for our local horse racing track) some security guy came to toss us – but instead he fell in love with our cars and ended up hanging out for a while. When we were finished I got Mark to hold my video cam and did a few burnouts for the crowd. It’s something I always wanted to do.

Check it out here:

When we got back, Luc and Mark put the finishing touches on a great job and buttoned up the GT40. We loaded the car back onto Mark's trailer and a great day came to an end. Thanks to Carmen for his electrical wizard, thanks to Luc for a super job and to Mark for some nice Pantera pics and to Robert for helping out. And thanks for some great company.

What a nice bunch of folks these Pantera owners are.
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