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Bad news in Calif for Classic cars

I'm a memeber of many cars clubs in Calif ( including PIAC) and have been active in fighting smog laws directed at our classic cars.A new law called AB-32 is intended to make Calif a leader in reducing green house gases, unfortunately the leaders of CARB ( calif air resoureces board) and BAR ( bureau of auto repair) are being led by extreme environmental idealogues that are hell bent on making a world wide statement, in what is really a global issue. In addition to raising energy costs and driving businesses out of Calif, they are also targeting older cars (and they don't see the difference between a well maintained classic, that is driven usually less than 2,000 miles a year, with an older, poorly maintained clunker)Unfortunately, what those of us that have been dealing with and fighting archaic auto related auto laws, have just realized how bad it may get. Those of us that own Panteras and other classics and hot rods, had better beware and become more involved. Her is what we just found out:


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