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Reply to "Battery"

Jack is correct in saying that you can SHORT out the battery if it's too tall (27f) type
or not in the center (24f) type. the Best (my opinion) is a Mercedes Battery (like
used in the full size sedans (450se or sel) It is as wide as a 27F BUT shorter and
allot of cranking amps . also this is very very important . think of your pantera as
say a riding lawn mower, no wait bad example Your wave runner you don't drive
your wave runner to work every day do you? No you don't and you also don't drive
your P car every day. Automotive batteries NEED a charge cycle that they get in
every day driving. I Have found that using a Current Float charger (not i trickle
charger) keeps ALL my limited use batteries charged ready to go all the time using
these have allowed me to keep batteries WAY past the normal life span. these
surface current chargers are available at harbor freight 14 dollars and 8 when on
sale. See i did have something useful to contribute! and will see if my parole officer
will allow me to use this post to deduct time from my court ordered community