quote:Ive only just joined and have never been on any forum before.
Well Laslo, we are glad you are now here.

Surely your ears were burning when your car came out in the P.I. magazine. Much discussion. I, along with others, really liked that way that car came together.
While my 2511 is a stock bodied car (I highly prefer that over the wide-bodies), I've always had a second-lusting for a GRP 4 body, and yours had just the right rake and proportions.
If you stick around this forum, I think you'll find us to be having a good time and sharing and helping each of us to more easily keep maintaining, and improving, our cars.
And in Alejandro's Neighborhood Pub, we toss away the car-talk and just have some good times, too.
Larry - Did your car stay in Oz, or perhaps come to the States where we might see it in person?