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Binding Sound followed by Hard Right

So.... Last week I was driving home, and the car decided to pull hard to the right at about 60MPH.  I thought it was just a groove in the road and dismissed it.

Today I was leaving the driveway and going downhill about 25MPH and heard a binding sound.  Was like running over a rope and it twisting around an axle type sound.   Then the car took a hard right and almost went off roading.

Turned around with no other issues or sounds and drove home at 10MPH.

Put it on the quick jack and everything seems ok.  Ball joints, tie rod ends are ok but original.  I have new wheel bearings and coil overs and those seem fine as well.

I'm wondering if the rack is getting ready to fail?  Maybe I'm hearing the rack ratchet or bind up somehow?

I just got back from a 1000 + mile trip to Palooza two weeks ago and it was fine other than I-10 had some rough patches.

Any ideas?




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