Damn, I wonder what I did wrong now on my Group 4. I bled at each of the brakes, all the while feeding new fluid into the reservoir. But now I hardly have any brakes at all. Brake pedal travels a lot and even when it reaches brake pressure about 1/2 way, the power is almost gone (I have to press it real hard to stop at all). Its almost like I have no boost. What the hey, maybe just try bleeding all again? I also noticed that at the end point when pressing the brake down I hear kind of a clunk noise and also feel it at the pedal. Retirement...this is what happens when I am retired and have time to work on things and "improve" things by myself, ha ha. Anyway, my unit is shown in the photo below. I wonder if at some point I had drained too much old fluid out to empty and then fed the new through. I thought I was careful at keeping some in the reservoir all the time when bleeding. Not sure if that would make a difference anyway. Any diagnosis help? I wanted to take my Group 4 to Huntington Beach to observe thong city in the 80 degree weather, but now am deprived...damn!
Front Trunk by
JanDaMan, on Flickr