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Reply to "Cash For Clunkers Program is a Clunker!"

The math is more screwed up than that....This is comparing 3 mos of 'typical" trade ins to 1 week of the "stimulus". If you put it on an even field its even more interesting.

200,000 "typical" trade ins (3 mos)divided by 12 weeks = 16,666 units per week

250,000 "stimilus" trade ins (1 week)divided by 1 week = 250,000 units in a week

A surplus of 233,334 units NOT the 50,000 as claimed in the opening thread (and thats just in the first week).

Since there are people who are still going to be "typical", even in this ecomony, you still have to add back in the 16,666 potential units per week that still may be traded in over the remaining 11 weeks.....

16,666 X 11 weeks = 183,326 units
+ 250,000 first week units
= 433,326 total units for three months

Again not the paltry numbers first reported. This is over a 200% improvement not 25%.

Bottom line is a lot of people took advantage of this program and wether you love it or hate it the impact has yet to be seen. But there will be an impact.....