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Reply to "CCW classics"

First off,welcome to the forum! Glad to have you here. How about some photos of your car when you get the chance?

Second, as others here can attest to, I can be pretty blunt at times. Please don't let the following answer upset you. I do mean well. Wink

I'm going with 8 and 11" width because i like the readily available tire selections.

That is sort of like looking for a quarter (that you lost at midnight in the middle of the block) all the way down at the corner because the streetlight there helps you see better.

Seriously, if you stick with such narrow wheels, on a Group 4 flared car, you will wind up with either of two looks, neither good - IMHO.

First look will will have wheels with a proper looking offset sitting waaay back in the flared wheel wells.

Second look will have funny-looking offset wheels that at least do come out to the edge of the flares.

Do you KNOW you have ever seen such narrow wheels mounted on a Group 4 car? If you have, and you liked the look, then go for it.

But every Group 4 I've ever seen avoided both the above issues by using wider wheels.

Just my 2ยข


For example, here is a functional wheel that somehow doesn't look quite right... Wink


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Last edited by lf-tp2511