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Reply to "Coast to Coast"

I just sent Coz the following e-mail. It's his casa, and it's a holiday weekend, so the family's probably got plans. Maybe Casa Coz has room next weekend.

It's time for me to come on over and see what's going on with Coz in Cozland. I'll help you with any Pantera projects you got going on or whatever. Time to just get out of town, go visit a friend, spend a day or a few seeing what's up and telling a few jokes. Tired of hanging around the house and don't really want to go to the same old lakes around here.

When's a good time to come visit?

My Pantera's still got a bubble or two in the master cylinder. During my brake project, I let the fluid drain out accidentally, but it stops, just a little spooky how far down the brake pedal goes. I'm ready to get out of town and down the road in my Pantera again.