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OK, I'll buy that for a dollar!

However, I cannot buy the logic of the spring and no brakes thing that was originally posted! This is bad mechanics 101!!!

It is posts with such misinformation in it that cause all sorts of confusion and unnecessary repairs on cars...."cuz I read it on the internet".....

We should strive to keep these posts as accurate as possible, something that Dick really does an outstanding job of! However, like I said..... I'm not seeing it this time....

I just dealt with and finally fixed a NASTY anti-lock brake problem on a 90's Mark VII, so brake issues have me a little keyed up at the moment! You wanna talk about rumors and half truths....I read them all....many twice...(cuz they multiply on the internet!)....simply because Ford didn't take the time to explain in the shop manual, how their brake master cylinder/booster assy works when NOT in anti-lock mode. (electrically assisted M.C!)

In this case, a simple return spring should have no bearing what-so-ever on the physical action of pushing on the brake pedal.

IF, the brake switch was bad and allowed fluid to leak out...causing the pedal to go to the floor, I would be WAY MORE concerned about finding a new type or design of brake lamp switch! That is one failure that I would not want to let anyone experience!

So, Dick, if you could edit your original post to say just what happened and clarify what was failing and when, I think it would help any and all reading this post from here on out.
