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Reply to "Danica Patrick"


This world has become so PC you can not speak the truth and if someone does you have to twist what they say. What did Richard say?

If she was a guy you would not even know who she was? I know a few names in the top leaders but I couldn't tell you any of the bottom 30...except Danica. Absolutely true!

Petty said she is fast at qualifying but not at racing. She can drive fast but does not race as well. Absolutely true!

She got there because she used her sex and not because of her skills? No doubt true! Danica acted like a slut to get to where she is and now she is held in hi regard because of it! What is wrong with speaking the truth?

I really don't care if she acts like a slut (except in commercials which are meant to be family time). but it is not a resume to be a notorious race car driver. When you have to explain a slutty commercial during a NASCAR race to a 12 year old girl at family time, well, that's just un-cool!

Richard also said there are more people watching NASCAR because of her and I believe that to be true too. Although to do so they have taken one more step away from a legitimate sport into an entertainment spectacle which, in all fairness is what it has become.

Danica is a media made icon which honestly gets under my skin. We simply quit watching speedvision over how they handled her. With a race going on all they could focus on was her:

"Danica is running a lap down, but slowing before tat corner, man what a great decision, she is really coming along!" and on and on.......Hey guys there is a race going on with people who deserve commentary!

The Indy 500 was the same way. A third of the commentary was on Danica when we were saying.."C'mon guys there is a race going on!" You wouldn't even know there were 2 other women in the race.

I am tired of PC media made heroes. It is very anti PC to say but one of my annoyances has always been Amelia Earhart. She was known as a pretty poor pilot in the pilot groups but being a charming woman propelled herself to fame. It is this media created hype which got her to do something she had no business doing.

Amelia Earhart was known for wrecking planes and getting lost; she did so several times. When she was preparing for her faithful flight she was in search of a navigator. She knew her best shot was the local airport drunk Fred Noonan. She asked Fred and he said no. She asked everyone else at the airport and they all said no way in hell are we going on a flight with you. She went back to Fred and begged him until he agreed.

Amelia wrecked landing on the first leg. No one in aviation that knew her was surprised by the outcome. She was in over her head and should never have let the publicity push her to do what she did. Now she is held in high regard...for what? Wrecking then failing at something she should have never attempted?

THIS IS TRUTH...Not PC......

I have heroes.....they are generally people no one knows their name. For instance, when a buddy of mine was going through initial flight training at UPS, I stopped by to visit. He and a group of people were training at the motel in a conference room. When we left he said do you remember that good looking girl at the end of the table? I said how could I not.

She needed experience to get to the airlines. She took a job in Alaska flying night a twin radial engine Beechcraft similar to what Amelia Earhart flew. She flew cargo every night. When she was done with her flights in the early mornign she would drain the oil form the engines in 5 gal buckets and taken back to the motel room to keep it warm. The following evening she would take it back and put it all back in the engines in sub zero weather then fly all night in antique antiquated twin radial engine tail dragger airplanes; and no she did not have any wrecks on her certificate.

No I do not remember her name but she is far more a hero to me then Earhart ever will be.

This is not about being male or female either. Look at Charles Lindbergh. After all he did he worked with a scientist in pursuing the ultimate race following the path of Nazi Germany. In doing so he even lost some of his military clearances. You don't hear about that much but it is a part of the big picture.

How about Captain Sully Sullenberger who put the airplane in the Hudson river. They made sever serious errors which have all been ignored. In his first interview he said they came across a flock of geese and they tried to dive under. That has never been addressed but that is a major no no. You never dive under geese. They fold their wings and dive. Every professional pilot knows that.

Second, when they hit the geese they compromised 2 engines. In a knee jerk reaction they shut down an engine which is believed to have been in good enough shape to get the back to the airport! Third he hit kind of hard doing more damage then he should have. 4th he failed to hit the ditching valve which closed the outflow valves which is intended to allow the plane to float (if he had not damaged it as much on landing.).

When Sully came off the airplane USAIR was ready to hang him form a tree. When everyone thankfully lived, and when the media looked at him as a hero, what really happened was buried and he became the number one spokesman. When they FAA interviewed him, his lawyer was there to cut off any real questions, but he didn't have to. The questioning went along the lines of "Oh Captain Sully, we are so blessed with your presence today....."

And when someone like Petty comes out...not trashing Danica but rather speaking the is refreshing! I am just a little tired of the media bandwagon everyone is on!