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@marlinjack posted:

...Because I DON"T FEEL Like It!!

I Got Your 'Expansion of the Shaft'!!! and You're a 'Professional BULLSHITTER'!!

The O Ring Must Rotate Freely with the Shaft Independant of The Bearing.

WHEN You Start Machining Your Bearings...You Can Machine Your Idea into it!

You Posed the Problem, I offered the Fix.

A 'Genius Engineer' from "The Best School in France", should realize that.

And Your Thoughts of imbedded Grit in the Bearing wearing out a 'Gear Hardened' Shaft, are BULLSHIT!!

A "Legend in his Own Mind!"

Folks, see what I Mean about this guy Following me around this Forum!

You need to Start your own thread, and stay the hell Out of mine.

I'am here to help with bearings...and you're all Talk and Theory.

...Maybe you can get a job running a Laundromat, somewhere!

Did you ever see the bearings in those washing machines? They look very similar to these "pilot bearings" in the Pantera! Funny you should mention that! No oilite though. Solid bronze. They eat up the unhardened shafts!

Last edited by panteradoug