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DeTomaso Registry

To obtain your own copy of the DeTomaso Registry, Contact:
Bill Van Ess
2306 Post NE
Belmont, MI 49306
Bill Milburn

The current issue, the second printing, dated, 1998 is woefully out of date, but it contains history on numerous cars, and is worth the $25-$35 cost. Bill Milburn (creator of the Shelby registry) is generating an updated version. It has been "in the works" for a couple of years, with a SUBSTANTIAL increase in information. I can hardly wait for the new release. Anyone / Everyone should send an update to Bill. Contact him and he can send you a simple form to use for your car, a car you know about, or even a car you've seen for sale.
I occasionally check it upon request, but if you are a buyer, you NEED this book.

Chuck Melton


[This message has been edited by Chuck Melton (edited 08-24-2003).]
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